Arbitration And Litigation
At Equitas Consulting we believe that every dispute, like every client, is unique and as such, we try to ensure that our role is tailored to suit the circumstances of each appointment.
We firmly believe in ‘prevention rather than cure’, and frequently advise clients on dispute avoidance and best practice as well as providing ‘behind the scenes’ advice on how to resolve disputes informally wherever possible. However, when a dispute cannot be avoided we can help you to evaluate the various dispute resolution options and manage your dispute. Where litigation or arbitration is unavoidable, we work as an integrated part of our clients’ and/or their legal teams to provide clear, concise and objective findings that can be relied upon by courts or tribunals.
Our Experts Have Testified Under the Following Rules
- Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Arbitration (ITO arbitration)
- Arbitration of The Union Of Chambers and Commodity Exhanges Turkey (TOBB Arbitration)
- London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)
- International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
- Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC)
- United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)